Order Books

Most of our trade book back-list (see “Books” on the right-hand side of this page) is now effectively out of print.

We do still have a few rare copies of Toronto Women — Changing Faces, 1900 – 2000: A Photographic Journey. (“A gem of a book … a teasing reminder of our complex evolution as liberated women” — TORONTO STAR.)

So we are still selling copies of Toronto Women from this site for the admittedly outrageous sum of $50 (Canadian). This price at least includes shipping costs in Canada and the United States.

For shipments to Canada or the United States, we offer two options. First, send a cheque or money order for $50 (in Canadian funds) — and your name and shipping address — to:
Jeanne MacDonald
Managing Partner
45 Fernwood Park Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4E 3E9.

Alternatively, order directly online through Pay Pal. A Pay Pal “Buy Now” button appears under the Toronto Women title in the “Books” list on the right-hand side of this page. Your copy will be shipped to the billing address you give in your Pay Pal documentation.

For orders to locations outside Canada and the United States, we can offer only the ordinary mail option. Send a cheque or money order — and your name and shipping address — for $50 (in Canadian funds), plus an additional 20% for shipping costs (for a total of 60 C$), to Jeanne MacDonald at the address above.

If you have any queries in advance of sending an order, or at any subsequent point in the process, you can send an email to jmacdonald@eastendbooks.com. Indicate “eastendbooks order query” as your email subject. Please allow four to six weeks for delivery.

We anticipate that we will eventually also be selling traditional print copies of Randall White’s current work-in-progress on the democratic republican impulse in the most northerly North America, Children of the Global Village : Democracy in Canada Since 1497. We will report further on when this might happen when the time comes. Meanwhile, we are told a draft is now complete to the later 20th century, and can be sampled under “The Long Journey to a Canadian Republic” on the counterweights political blog. At absolutely no cost at all.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sunday, March 15, 2020.