Ontario Since 1985

by Randall White

Randall White’s earlier book on Canada’s most populous province, Ontario 1610-1985: A Political and Economic History, first appeared in the middle of the 1980s and is now in its fourth printing. In Ontario Since 1985 he carries on with the strange new story of the province’s most recent past.

“Absorbing and provocative … the single best overview of the recent tumult in Ontario politics … The book’s greatest strength is the way White grounds his analysis in an expert grasp of the economic and social factors operative throughout Ontario’s history… succinctly presented facts and reflective interpretations, conveyed in a refreshingly upbeat tone.” (Graham Murray, Toronto Star).

“Remarkably comprehensive … balanced and fair … Writing contemporary history is a challenge which historians normally shun … Randall White has met the challenge. Ontario Since 1985 is a most useful update of Ontario history.” (Donald C. MacDonald, Ontario History).

“White’s book provides an excellent non-partisan insight into the complexities of Ontario politics … It leaves the interpretation to you … well worth the read.” (Howard Pawley, Windsor Star).

“The perfect book for Ontario political junkies whatever their political stripe!” (Abbie Allen, View from the Danforth).

320 pages, 140 x 215 mm, softcover. ISBN:1-896973-12-4.

NOT IN PRINT. Used copies currently available through Amazon.com.